English Exercises > comparatives/superlatives exercises


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Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
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Level: elementary
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Level: elementary
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comparative adjectives
Level: elementary
Age: 12-17
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comparatives and superlatives test
Level: elementary
Age: 9-17
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Comparatives & Superlatives
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-17
Downloads: 3629



R ichard is in the world.He never falls ill but ifhe falls ill, it happens on Sunday or when his class goes on school trip one can imagine.He never gets extra money, but if his granny gives him some coins he loses them. His trousers� pockets haveholesin them. He is a good student butwhenhe writes an important class test, his pen runs out of ink. If he has a date with a girl , his bus breaks down. His canary is singing bird he has ever had. But when he proudly invites a schoolmate to listen to it, the canary becomes bird of all.

But Richard thinks he is very lucky. He thinks he is the luckiest boy of all. He has a wonderful mum and a wonderful dad, loving grandparents, an adorable little sister and a supportive big brother. His desk mate is the funniest in the school and the girls in his class are the prettiest.He has an affectionate doggie and a wonderfully singing canary (not always). Richard is always happy because he has a great heart. He�s boy in town.

One day his mother gives him some money to buy an ice cream. He doesn�t put it into his pocket. When he arrives at the ice cream shop,he sees a homeless man outside it. He looks hungry and Richardthinks he is man in the world. He has very old clothes and terrible sunglasses.

Richard looks at the ice cream in the shop window and then looks at the man. He decides not to buy the ice cream and gives the money to the poor man.

The man smiles and says �� Thank you very much. You are very generous. ButI�m not a poor man. On the contrary I�mman in town and I sometimes wear old clothes to see what people do. �

The eccentric millionairetakes Richardto shop in the area and says tohim : �Choose the present youprefer. Even one, if you want
Richard asks:� Can I choose two, instead?�

�Of course� answers the man .

Richard chooses stereo because next time ,when his canary keeps silent , he will at leastbe able tolistento music with his friends. He then chooses new sunglasses for the man.


A� What have all these adjectives in common?��

B������ Now write the basic form.

the unluckiest boy

the most exciting�

the best

the most silent�

the luckiest

the most generous

the poorest

the richest

the biggest

the most expensive

the newest

C��Decide if the following statements are true or false.

1 When Richard falls ill, his class goes on a school trip

2 He often gets extra money.

3 His canary always sings.

4 The girls in his class are the ugliest in the school.

5 Richard likes the man's glasses.

6 The man is a millionaire in disguise.

D Imagine you are Richard, what would you choose?