English Exercises > articles exercises

A or An

Downloadable worksheets:
The Indefinite Article: A or AN
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 4237

Articles: A or An
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Downloads: 2300

Definite & indefinite Articles: a/an, the or zero article?
Level: elementary
Age: 9-17
Downloads: 1751

Level: elementary
Age: 10-12
Downloads: 1543

The Indefinite Article: A or AN
Level: elementary
Age: 9-12
Downloads: 1301

The article: "a/an" or "the"
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Downloads: 1221


Do you have a / an question about this exercise?
Can I borrow a / an cup of sugar?

Is there a / an doctor in the house?

Can you peel a / an orange for me, please?

I had a / an apple for lunch.

She visited a / an university when she was on holiday.

 My penpal goes to a school where she has to wear a / an uniform.

I have never seen a / an elephant in the wild.

You have a / an hour to finish your English test.

Are you a / an good football player?

Mister Sebel is a / an computer wizard.

This is a / an exercise I really like.

Do you have a / an Euro for that busker (straatmuzikant)?

  A / An penny for the guy.

He has a / an unicorn in his garden.

Are you a / an angel?

I have a / an sister who is 12 years old.

Have you got a / an uncle called Fred?

I haven't got a / an pet, it's not fair!

I am going to buy a / an ukelele.