English Exercises > present simple exercises

Present Simple

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Present Simple/English test/ 3 pages
Level: elementary
Age: 10-14
Downloads: 11049

Present simple
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 10454

Verb to BE
Level: elementary
Age: 10-12
Downloads: 8853

Level: elementary
Age: 8-14
Downloads: 6765

Present Simple or Continuous
Level: elementary
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 6535

Verb to BE vs. to HAVE GOT
Level: elementary
Age: 10-12
Downloads: 5900


A. Fill in the correct from of the verbs in brackets.

1. Jack is a truck driver. He �(drive) hundreds of kilometers every day. He (love)
his work. When he �(drive) he� (listen) to the radio.
2. Tom and Rom (like) to read books. Rom (like) historical novels, but Tom (prefer) science fiction. They never (go) to the same movies either. Rom (insist) on love stories and she always (enjoy) them, but her brother (find) them boring.
3.�Sharon� (study) medicine at the university.
4.�Kim always (do) her homework.

5. They rarely �(drink) coffee before they go to sleep.
6. Roni and Vika (have) a dog.
7. Vika and I�(do/ does) our homework together.
8. Sara�(pass/ passes) our house on her way to school.
9. Our cat�(eat/ eats) fish.

10. Mike is very handy. He (fix/ fixes) everything.

11. This plane�(fly/ flys/ flies) to the USA every Friday.

B. Write the third person singular of the following verbs.

1. brush �����������������������������������2. come

3. do ������������������������������������������ 4. drink

5. eat ����������������������������������������� 6. get up

7. go �������������������������������������������8. have

9. leave ������������������������������������10. play

11. put on ��������������������������������12. read

13. try ���������������������������������������14. walk

15. wash ��������������������������������� 16. watch

17. dress ����������������������������������18. smile�

19. teach ��������������������������������� 20. cry

C. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs.

Amit �(get up) at 7.00 and (go) into the bathroom to wash.
�He (wash) his face and (brush) his teeth. Then he (put on) his clothes.
Amit's mother and father (have) coffee in the morning, but Amit (drink) orange juice to drink. At 7.45, Amit (leave) his house and (walk) to the bus-stop. He (try) not to be late for school. Amit (come) home from school at 2.00 in the afternoon. He (eat) lunch and (do) his homework. Then he (watch) television, (read) a book or (play) with his friends.
