English Exercises > actions exercises

Common verbs in English. Spotlight 5. Starter.

Downloadable worksheets:
Level: elementary
Age: 11-17
Downloads: 2739

ACTIONS flash cards
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
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What are you doing?
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
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Free Time Activities
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ACTIONS picture dictionary
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
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Action verbs crossword (1 of 2)
Level: elementary
Age: 9-17
Downloads: 1579


the verb* at school
NEW WORDS of the lesson
всегда проверяй знаешь ли ты эти слова (чтение, произношение, написание), если нет - запиши их в словарик и выучи самостоятельно, ведь это значит, что ты их упустил на уроке!!!!
RULE!!! Remember!
Verb is an action.
I go to school. - Go is a verb. I sleep at home - Sleep is a verb. My dog jumps into the river. - Jumps is a verb.
1.   2.   3.   4.   5.  6.  7.  
         WRITE                     EAT                       CLIMB                  COUNT                 LEARN                  SLEEP               LOOK      
8.   9.  10.   11.   12.  13.   14. 
         RUN               DRAW=PAINT        RAISE A HAND             READ                 WALK                        SING                        SPEAK
 Ex. 1 Complete the poem.
They  a book,
They   a song,
They    a corn,
They   to ten,
 They    to a man.  
They're really cute!
  Ex. 2 Choose the right verb.
1.    2.     3.       4. 5.   6.  7.  8.
Ex. 3  Watch the video and complete the sentences.
1. A horse can .
2.  A cat can 
3. A duck can .
4. A bat can .
5. A mouse can
Ex. 4 Watch the video and write the sentences for teacher in your notebooks (5 sentences).  
 FOR YOUR ENTERTAINING (для развлечения)
Watch the video from the Disney Cartoon "The Lion King", sing the song, remember the song.
What do they do in the video? Put a tick.
 sing      read     climb     eat    draw   walk  dance   
Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata, ain't no passing craze
It means no worries for the rest of your days
It's our problem free philosophy, Hakuna Matata

Read more: LION KING - Hakuna Matata Lyrics | MetroLyrics
все новые слова со звездочкой записывайте в словарик и учите их!!!! Они всегда будут вам встречаться в заданиях.
*verb - глагол