English Exercises > countables - uncountables exercises

TOO MUCH TOO MANY snakes and ladders

Downloadable worksheets:
Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Downloads: 4711

Level: elementary
Age: 11-14
Downloads: 3154

Food / countable and uncountable nouns / quantifiers
Level: elementary
Age: 10-12
Downloads: 2625

Some, any
Level: elementary
Age: 9-12
Downloads: 2514

"SOME - ANY- A - AN / HOW MUCH...? - HOW MANY...?"
Level: elementary
Age: 8-11
Downloads: 2345

There is-there are
Level: elementary
Age: 10-14
Downloads: 2033


Sam has got too computer games. 
They haven't got too  free time. They practise sport in a club.

These cats have got too   food. They are fat already.

This millionaire has too  money. He shoud give some to the poor. 

There are too  messages on my mobile phone. I can't answer them now. 

There are too  cars in the streets. It's difficult to drive in the city. 

Keishia eats too  chocolate. She is going to be sick. 

Jacob has too  clothes in the same colour. It looks strange.

Too  sweets are really bad for you. 

Too  homework is also bad for you  . 

 We sometimes watch too  films during the weekend.

This summer my sister had too  ice-creams. Later she had a stomachache. 

 The teacher sent not too  emails to her students. She'll send more soon.

 Too  books in your backpack may be too heavy.