English Exercises > listenings exercises

The Terracotta Army

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Task 1.  Watch the TED-Ed video about the incredible history of China's terracotta warriors.  Are the following statements true or false? Write T for True or F for False.
The terracotta army was discovered by archaeologists in 1974.
The clay soldiers are the same size as real soldiers are.
Ying Zheng became the first emperor of China at the age of 13.
 4. He was an ambitious but merciful ruler.
 5. During his reign he introduced a uniform writing script throughout China.
 6. He ruled over China for 36 years.
 7. He had his best scientists work on finding an elixir of life that would enable him to never die.
 8. He began building the underground necropolis in his last years of life.
 9. 130 war chariots and 600 horses were found in one of the underground pits.
 10. The empty pit suggests that the emperor died before he could complete his grand project.
 11. Only statues of warriors were buried along with the emperor.
 12. Despite there being so many statues, no two soldiers are exactly alike.
 13. Most of the statues have retained their original bright colors.
 14. The emperor’s tomb remains unopened due to concerns about the preservation of its contents.

Task 2.  Solve the crossword puzzle with suitable words from the video.















  1. a small model of a person kept as a decoration (n)
  2. the period of time during which a king, queen, emperor, etc., is ruler of a country (n)
  3. an impressive thing that is done or achieved after a lot of work (n)
  4. a valuable object, especially a piece of art or a historical object (n)
  5. a person who fights in a battle or war (especially in the past) (n)
  6. to dig in the ground in order to find things from the past (v)


  1. the fact that your life will end (n)
  2. having no pity, cruel or merciless (adj)
  3. under the ground (adj)
  4. hard, baked reddish-brown clay (n)
  5. something that someone has achieved that continues to exist after they die (n)
  6. a person who is skilled at making things by hand (n)