English Exercises > modals exercises

Asking for permission - Can

Downloadable worksheets:
Please, miss, can I...? asking for permission
Level: elementary
Age: 11-14
Downloads: 133

Polite requests - requests and asking for permission
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 105

can canīt for asking for permission / I created it
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 93

asking for permission with can and verbs
Level: elementary
Age: 9-12
Downloads: 69

[Worksheet & Excellent Card Activity for Pairwork] Can I...? Asking permission
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Downloads: 54

Can for permission
Level: elementary
Age: 7-12
Downloads: 44


Asking for Permission
Complete the questions and answers. 
   Mom, I phone my friend please?                  Yes, can, but don't talk                                                                       too long.
   Dad, can I to the park please?               No, you .  I                                                                    can't take you and you can't go alone .
  Grandma, can go to the swimming pool, please?        , you can't.  Your mommy                                                                            and daddy aren't here to watch                                                                            you.
   Grandpa, can I play tennis, ?                       Yes, you .                                                                             Wait, I'm going with you.
   Mom, can I go to cinema, please?              Yes, you can.  Wait a minute.  Don't                                                                       forget to take your coat.  It's     
  Dad, can I go out on my , please?              Yes, you can.  Don't forget to wear                                                                      a  on your head.
   Mom and Dad, can we go the zoo today, please?        Yes, can.  We                                                                               promised you that we could                                                                               go if it was a nice day. Get                                                                                jacket.