English Exercises > adjectives exercises

Elementary Adjectives

Downloadable worksheets:
Word Building - "Suffixes & Prefixes" - Words can change from one part of speech to another by adding a prefix or a suffix - ((110 nouns, verbs, adjectives to change)) - elementary/intermedi ate - (( B&W VERSION INCLUDED ))
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Downloads: 1716

POSSESSIVES - Personal Pronouns, Possessive Adjectives, Possessive Pronouns - Teach students �when, where & how� to use �Possessives� - elementary/intermedi ate - (( 5 Exercises, 40 sentences )) - (( B&W VERSION INCLUDED ))
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Downloads: 549

"INFINITIVES" - Teaching students to complete the meaning of some verbs and adjectives with the infinitive form of the verb - (( Definitions & 38 Exercises to complete )) - elementary / intermediate - (( B&W VERSION INCLUDED ))
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Downloads: 334

�ADJECTIVES� - Demonstrative, Distributive & Indefinite Adjectives - ((Elementary/Interme diate)) - Explanations & 7 Exercises with approx. 40 sentences to complete - (( B&W VERSION INCLUDED ))
Level: elementary
Age: 5-17
Downloads: 327

�ADJECTIVES� - Numbering, Descriptive & Proper Adjectives - ((Elementary/Interme diate)) - 8 Exercises with approx. 40 sentences to complete - (( B&W VERSION INCLUDED ))
Level: elementary
Age: 5-17
Downloads: 316

�ADJECTIVES� - Interrogative Adjectives & Interrogative Pronouns- ((Elementary/interme diate)) - Explanation & 4 Exercises with approx. 45 sentences to complete - (( B&W VERSION INCLUDED ))
Level: elementary
Age: 5-17
Downloads: 302


Elementary Adjectives

Choose the correct word.
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Fill in the blanks.
1. TomAngry is chasing JerryCry again.���
2. I felt so� when I saw her�beautiful, new�dress.Censored
3. Be� ! You don't want to break those eggs!Unhappy
4. This tea is too �! I need more milk in it. Dead
5. He saved me from the robber. He's a� man. Embarrassed
6. I heard a �noise. Shocked
7. Come and meet an �friend of mine. Approve