English Exercises > articles exercises

Articles Snakes and Ladders

Downloadable worksheets:
The Indefinite Article: A or AN
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 4241

Definite, Indefinite and Zero Article
Level: elementary
Age: 10-12
Downloads: 2278

Articles: A or An
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Downloads: 2301

Article: A new school year
Level: advanced
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 13

Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Downloads: 1788

Definite & indefinite Articles: a/an, the or zero article?
Level: elementary
Age: 9-17
Downloads: 1754


This morning I bought  newspaper and  magazine. newspaper is in my bag, but I can't remember where I put  magazine.
I saw  accident this morning.  car crashed into  tree.  driver of car wasn't hurt, but  car  was badly damaged.
There are two cars parked outside:  blue one and  grey one.  blue one belongs to my neighbours; I don't know who  owner of  grey one is.
My friends live in  old house in  small village. There is  beautiful garden behind  house. I would like to have garden like that.

A: Our apartment is on  tenth floor.
B: Is it? I hope there is lift.

A:It's lovely day, isn't it?
B: Yes, there isn't  cloud in sky.

A: We spent all our money because we stayed at most expensive hotel in town.
B: Why didn't you stay at cheaper hotel.

True or false?

I saw  interesting film recently.

Talk about...

 what you usually do in summer.

True or false?

I'm thinking of buying new mobile phone.

Talk about...

animals you can see at zoo.

True or false?

I can play musical instrument.

Talk about...

  most beautiful place you have visited.

True or false?

 I have seen ancient monument.

Talk about...

person you know very well.

True or false?

 I have been to USA

 True or false?

 I never listen to radio.

Talk about...

what student in your group is wearing.

True or false?

 I live in apartment.

Talk about...

 something interesting you've done in last week.

True or false?

I use Internet every day.

Talk about...

  new language you would like to learn.

True or false?

 I have older brother/ sister.

Talk about...

the last time you went to cinema.

True or false?

 I eat junk food more than twice week.

Talk about...

what teachers at your school are like.

True or false?

 I had cold last month.

Talk about...

most expensive thing you've ever bought.

True or false?

I usually meet my friends at weekend.