I saw interesting film recently.
Talk about...
what you usually do in summer.
True or false?
I'm thinking of buying new mobile phone.
animals you can see at zoo.
I can play aanthe musical instrument.
most beautiful place you have visited.
I have seen ancient monument.
person you know very well.
I have been to aanthe USA
I never listen to aanthe radio.
what aanthe student in your group is wearing.
I live in apartment.
something interesting you've done in aanthelast week.
I use Internet every day.
aanthe new language you would like to learn.
I have older brother/ sister.
the last time you went to cinema.
I eat junk food more than twice week.
whataanthe teachers at your school are like.
I had aannthe cold last month.
most expensive thing you've ever bought.
I usually meet my friends at aannthe weekend.