English Exercises > tests exercises

Think 2 unit 7

Downloadable worksheets:
Vocabulary Revision
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Downloads: 12

Grammar Review for Beginners - 3-page review, 14 different exercises, fully editable, with keys included
Level: elementary
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 2501

English Test(9th form End of Term 2 Test)(3 parts)Reading Comprehension: THE INTERNET/Grammar+Voc abulary/Writing(+Key )
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-14
Downloads: 2336

Level: elementary
Age: 10-14
Downloads: 7

Level: intermediate
Age: 14-16
Downloads: 11

Comparative & Superlative
Level: elementary
Age: 9-12
Downloads: 136


I have done my HW,?
He didn't go the concert last week,?

describe a kind of a party
Ryan finally got the  to make a party

I like ice-cream- Agree with me!
Mary went shopping, ?
describe a kind of a party 
Ryan and Luke have chosen  for their party - Marvel Universe
name 3 phrasal verbs from Unit 7 (parties)
I don't want to go to school in the summer! - Agree with me
Tomorrow morning I  my aunt at the airport 
I reckon means 
My parents  work at 6 o'clock
John will come to the party,
describe a kind of a party
My friends  the invitations yesterday
a new phone because mine is broken
My mother will  because she knows where to buy good snacks.
TV news  at 7 in the morning
Describe what you need to do to have a good party