The Full English�Breakfast is a traditionally cooked "breakfast" that today is also served at other times during the day, like at�"Brunch" - breakfast and lunch - which is a late breakfast and a early lunch and quite often eaten on the weekends by many busy city people.�
The usual ingredients of a traditional full English breakfast are bacon, eggs, fried�tomatoes, fried mushrooms,�fried bread�or toast, and sausages, usually served with a large cup of tea or a "mug" of tea. Black pudding is sometimes part of English Breakfasts in places like Scotland; as well as fried leftover�mashed potatoes, often�called "Porato Cakes" or�"Bubble and Squeek"�- a vegetable left over from the previous night that is fried with potatoes. Baked beans�and hash browns are also a modern�staple in many dishes.
When an English breakfast is ordered in a pub or restaurant and everything�available is added to it, it is often referred to as a�"Full Monty"
Pork sausages
One sausage
Fried onions
Bake beans