English Exercises > transports exercises


Downloadable worksheets:
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 2520

Level: elementary
Age: 3-17
Downloads: 1661

Level: elementary
Age: 8-10
Downloads: 1756

Airport vocabulary
Level: elementary
Age: 8-14
Downloads: 1445

Transportation - crossword puzzle
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Downloads: 1351

Transport 2
Level: elementary
Age: 7-11
Downloads: 1013


����������Learn the words and play the games:

Listen to the song:


Listen to the song:


Matching games:


Spelling games:


����������Match the words to the pictures:
school bus,� police car,� taxi,� truck,� van, �ambulance, �airplane,� car,� bicycle, �roller blades, motorcycle,�motorboat,��helicopter,� sailboat,� canoe,� fire truck,�� train,�� hot air balloon

�Look at the pictures and answer the question: What color is ...?
������������� ������� 1.The helicopter is �.� 2. The school bus is �. 3. The fire truck is �.
���������� �4. The roller blades are �.5.The canoe is �. 6.The airplane is �.
Look at the pictures and answer Yes / No.
������������������� �1.The truck is longer than a train.�����������������������
����������� 2.The bicycle is shorter than a van.����������������
������������3.The car is smaller than a bus.����������������� ��
����������� 4.The hot air balloon is safer than a bicycle.��� ��
����������� 5.The ambulance is bigger than a taxi.���������� ��
������������6.The truck is faster than a train .������������� ��
Complete the sentence.�

���������������� 1.���� I love the sea. I like traveling by .

����������� 2.��� I am a sporty person. I like to be fit. I always go to work by .
����������� 3.���� I don�t have a car, so I always call a to go to work.

����������� 4.���� There�s no bus stop near my office. I love driving, so I always go to work by .

����������� 5.���� My�grandpa is a fire-fighter. He goes to work by .

����������� 6. I live in Italy. I visit my friends in Australia by �once a year.

Complete the sentences with a comparative in the correct form. Use the adjectives in brackets.

������������ 1. Traveling by car is than traveling by ship. (cheap)

������������ 2. A motorcycle is � than a bicycle.(fast)

������������ 3. Traveling by bus is � than traveling by airplane.(slow)

�������������4. A hot air balloon is � than a van.(dangerous)

������������ 5. Traveling by�airplane is than a train.(expensive)

Listen to the song and� tick�the words that you can hear �in the video.

hot air balloon��
bike������������ �
truck������������ �
van�������������� �
��� plane����������
����unicycle���� � �
���� boat��������� �
���� yacht���������
���� rocket ship���
���� scooter������ �
���� taxi������������
���� helicopter�����

How many transport words

���������� could you count?

by Victoria��