English Exercises > travels exercises

The Hotel Room of the Future

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The Hotel Room of the Future

Watch the video and answer the following questions.
Q. 1���� Match the words with the pictures.

a bedside table - a cupboard - curtains - a desk with a chair -
a double bed - a framed picture - a hair dryer - a mirror -
wall lights - a wash basin (UK)�or a sink (US).
Q. 2���� Tick the adjectives that best describe the first hotel room.
�������� luxurious���� � traditional��� banal���������� � splendid��� boring
����������� plain��������� � �ordinary������ �magnificent� classic������ � dull
���������� ��exceptional�� basic����������� gorgeous����� � plain��������� simple
Q. 3���� Complete the journalist's comments about this hotel room.
���������"�as a ,�no� at all, utterly (= completely)�"
Q. 4���� What is the journalist's reaction when he sees the bathroom?
���������"I wanna (= want to) ."
Q.�5���� What information do we get about the hotel room of the future?
����������� The creators are �British �French �Canadian �German �American.
����������� The objective is to show hotels how they can use �to make
����������� rooms more .
Q.�6���� What is particular about the shape of the room?
����������� Why is it important?
���������� The room is�. People get more �in a �room.
Q.�7���� What are the main features in the hotel room of the future?
�����������aquarium -�back - ceiling - change the colour - infrared rays - lights (x2) -
rocked - sensors - sink - steam machine - talking - video screen - wall - warm.
���������� a. You can �of the .
���������� b. There is a �TV screen.
���������� c. You can be �by the energy bed.
���������� d. There are special �in the floor that turn the �on automatically when you have to
�������������� go�to�the bathroom in the middle of the night.
���������� e. The �at the �go on automatically.
���������� f. There is a �with a scent of in the bathroom.
���������� g. There is a �that uses �and pumps them out to �your .
���������� h. You can sit back in the Jacuzzi and watch any video programme you like, including a video
�������������� .
���������� i. The window can become a .
Q.�8���� What is the journalist's reaction at the end of the TV report?
���������� He says: "Now, if more hotels were like this one, with their little creature comforts*, once you
���������� , you won't want to �ever again."
���������� * creature comforts noun [pl.] all the things that make life, or a particular place, comfortable, such as
������������� good food, comfortable furniture or modern equipment.
What did you like best about the hotel room of the future?
Share your impressions with the rest of the class!