English Exercises > animals exercises


Downloadable worksheets:
Whtie Sharks
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 148

A letter from Australia
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-17
Downloads: 131

Are sharks mindless killing machines? A Science Question 13
Level: elementary
Age: 9-14
Downloads: 112

Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 106

Swimming with sharks
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Downloads: 58

Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 48



VIDEO 1: Great White Sharks
Q. 1��Where do the great white sharks in the documentary come from?
��������off the coast of South America.
��������off the coast of North America.
������ �off the coast of South Australia.
������ �off the coast of South Africa.
������ �off the coast of Japan.
Q.�2��Some characteristics about great white sharks:
������ � Great white sharks can reach �feet in length.
������ � They can weigh up to �pounds.
������ � They can�sprint through the water at�speeds up to��miles per hour.
����������� NOTE:���� 1 foot = 30.48 cm
�������������������������� 1 pound = 0.454 kg
�������������������������� 1 mile = 1.609 km
�������� Great white sharks have great .��
������ � They are �like .
������ � They love to �things that get their attention.
������ � They like to eat humans:���� True���� False.
�������� Great white sharks feel about humans the way most humans feel about lima beans*.
�������������� They are something to eat out of .
�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �lima beans
������ � Great white sharks �humans for the same reason they �other things like
���������or .
Q.�3��Learn about the ampullae of Lorenzini:
�������The ampullae of Lorenzini are -filled��found all around the shark's�
������ (= nose) and . These �are extremely �to .�That means
������ that anything that gives off the tiniest (= smallest) �has to be , including
������ all living �in the sea.
Q.�4��Great white sharks like to eat seals. What are seals compared to in the documentary?
������ Seals are a double �fudge �sundae with �on top!

VIDEO 2: Whale Sharks
Q. 1��Learn about some characteristics of the whale shark!
������ � The whale shark is �shark in the ocean.
������ � The whale shark can measure up to �feet long.
������ � The whale shark can�weigh over �tons.
������ � The whale shark is more than��times the size of the great white shark.
�������� The whale shark has �teeth but they are �and of little use.
Q.�2��What does the whale shark eat to survive?
�������������� a dog snapper
������ The spawning ritual of the dog snappers: At the top of the parade loop, the �lay their
������ �and the �release their�, which leads to whale shark chow (= slang for food).
������ The whale shark is what is called a �feeder. As it swims with its huge -foot wide
��������open, prey like these dog snapper eggs gets trapped in rakers, while water is expelled right
������ back out through the gills. But dog snapper eggs are not the only� these big mouths love to
������ eat!

VIDEO 3: Bull Sharks
There are only 3 sharks that regularly attack humans: the massive great white shark, the tiger shark and
the bull shark.
Q. 1��What is the other name given to the bull shark?
�������The bull shark is also called the��of the seas.
Q.�2��Learn about some characteristics of the bull shark!
������ � The bull shark can be��and .
������ � Bull sharks are not as large as the great white but female bull sharks can grow over��feet.
������ � Female bull sharks can weigh up to��pounds.
������ � Bull sharks also have a very special characteristic: they can go from �to �water with
���������no problems. Bulls have been found thousands of miles upstream in both the �and
�������� �rivers.
������ � Bull sharks are opportunistic : they'll eat just about anything.

Q.�3��Crittercam is a small package of instruments including a camera that can be attached to a wild
�������animal to study its behaviour in the wild. What does the camera reveal about the bull shark?
������ � The Crittercam reveals at least �in the region, which raises the intriguing possibility
�������� that these sharks may be .
������ � Satellite data also confirmed that the bulls . These animals may be an important part of
�������� the .
Q.�4��People must remember something about bull sharks:
�������They are more likely to get �by �than��by a .