English Exercises > tag questions exercises


Downloadable worksheets:
Present simple
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 10454

Question words
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 4021

Worksheet: Simple past of Regular Verbs
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 3500

�WH - QUESTION WORDS� - Who-Whose-What-When- Where-(( 5 Exercises / 85 Sentences to complete )) - Elementary/Intermedi ate - (( B&W VERSION INCLUDED ))
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Downloads: 3235

QUESTION TAGS SET / Part I -- Focus on Form: Basic Rules
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 2923

Worksheet: Simple Future (Will) - Explanation & exercise
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 2455


Clown�Question-tag Clown
Fill in the blanks with correct Question-tag forms.

1.��������� Kiki doesn�t write a letter before bed, ?

2.��������� Jenny and Natalie are the members of the Photography Club, ?

3.��������� You can swim very well, ?

4.��������� She draws a beautiful picture, ?

5.��������� We came home late last night, ?

6.��������� Henry and Ricky read a lot of books, ?

7.��������� We played football last night, ?

8.��������� You didn�t see me, ?

9.��������� He sells toys, ?

10.����� They don�t like cats, ?

11.����� She loves flowers, ?

12.����� You are a student, ?

13.����� Jane can�t swim, ?

14.����� They mustn�t buy the car, ?

15.����� Billy has made a beautiful kite, ?

16.����� You won�t trust him, ?

17.����� Kathy and YoYo will go to the swimming pool tomorrow, ?

18.����� Mrs. White ate a lot of fish yesterday, ?

19.����� Ken didn�t visit his grandfather last week, ?

20.����� You don�t like fishing, ?

21.����� Fiona likes Jacky Chan, ?

22.����� She must come to the party, ?

23.����� Lucy will buy the dress, ?

24.����� Mimi and Lily were sad yesterday, ?

25.����� Kate always sleeps early, ?

26.����� He won�t be happy, ?

27.����� You didn�t do homework yesterday, ?

28.����� We kept some money under the bed, ?

29.����� It seldom barks, ?

30.����� Michael and Melody often go home late, ?
