English Exercises > listenings exercises


Downloadable worksheets:
in the ghetto
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100
Downloads: 8

THe Media -- TELTHe Media -- TELEVISIO" - Listening test for Intermediate/ Upper Intermediate students
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 1641

Physical description listening
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 1120

Shopping + Teenagers� opinions on fashion - Listening TEST for Intermediate Students
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 1044

Valentine�s Day - Listening activities (video from youtube)
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 1018

A 13-year-old boy�s life: Listening Comprehension Test
Level: elementary
Age: 9-12
Downloads: 944



� �
�ACTIVITY 1: Watch the video and answer the following questions.
Q. 1���� BeautifulPeople.com is .
Q. 2���� How does the site work? Fill in the blanks.
��������������� Only beautiful people are� on,� by .
Q. 3���� What is the percentage of people who can eventually join the site?
���������������� �10%.���� �20%.���� �30%.���� �40%.���� �50%.
Q. 4�����What did the journalist do to join the site? Put the following sentences in the right order.
���������������� �She filled in an application.
������������������She had her face made up. (= Someone put some make-up on her face.)
���������������� �She had her picture taken by a professional photographer.
Q.�5�����True or False?
���������������� The journalist didn't tell the truth when she filled in the application.���� �True.���� �False.
Q.�6�����What were the different steps in the application? Put the following sentences in the right order.
��������������� �The journalist had to write her profile.
��������������� �The journalist had to describe her body type.
��������������� The journalist had to choose a photo of herself.
Q.�7�����What was the journalist's overall impression of the site?
����������������"In the cyberspace I went stacked upon �and� and ."
Q.�8�����How do voters vote? Choose the correct answers.
��������������� Women vote on���� �women.���� �men.���� �both men and women.
��������������� Men vote on�����������women.���� �men.���� �both men and women.
Q.�9�����True or False?
���������������� Greg Hodge, the�Managing Director of BeautifulPeople.com, admits that the site is not politically
���������������� correct.������True.������False.
Q.�10����Choose the correct answer.
��������� �The journalist was accepted by the members of BeautifulPeople.com.
��������������� �The journalist was rejected by the members of BeautifulPeople.com.
Q.�11����In Denmark, how many times did a woman apply before she was finally�accepted?
������������������20 times.������30 times.������40 times.������50 times.������60 times.
�ACTIVITY 2: Revise some words related to personal care and hygiene.


comb�/ foundation�/ hairbrush�/ hairdryer /
lipstick�/ make-up�/ mascara�/ nail polish /
perfume�/ plastic surgery�/ razor�/ shampoo /
toothbrush�/ toothpaste.



�ACTIVITY 3: Give your opinion!
Prepare the answers to the following questions on a sheet of paper, then share them with the rest of the class.
�Do you pay attention to your looks?
�What do you do to improve your looks?
�Would you be ready to have plastic surgery in order to improve your looks?
�What do you think of BeautifulPeople.com?