English Exercises > feelings exercises


Downloadable worksheets:
Possessive Adjectives
Level: elementary
Age: 9-17
Downloads: 4421

Level: elementary
Age: 7-12
Downloads: 2373

How are you today?
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Downloads: 2132

Feelings and emotions - quiz (greyscale included)
Level: elementary
Age: 8-14
Downloads: 1700

How are you feeling today?
Level: elementary
Age: 10-12
Downloads: 1502

Wordsearch FEELINGS
Level: elementary
Age: 3-17
Downloads: 1353


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-�Watch the video and fill in the blanks.
��������� Sometimes I feel , sometimes I feel ,
��������� Sometimes I feel , sometimes I feel ,
��������� Whatever I am feeling, it's very quite OK,
��������� For while I feel�my feelings
��������� I feel different ways each day.
��������� Sometimes I feel , sometimes I'm �inside,
��������� Sometimes I feel , sometimes I'm filled with .
��������� Whatever I am feeling, it's very quite OK,
��������� For while I feel�my feelings
��������� I feel different ways each day.
�� �Smile���� Tongue���� Wink���� Cry�� ��LOL���� Big smile� � �LOL�� ��Embarrassed���� Confused���� Sleepy���� Angry���� Shocked���� Ermm���� Cool���� Geek���� Dead�����
- Can you tell which feelings are expressed by these faces?
�� �� �� �� �� �� ��
���� ����� ��������������� ��������� ������ ���� �
��� Smile���� Tongue���� Wink���� Cry�� ��LOL���� Big smile� � �LOL�� ��Embarrassed���� Confused���� Sleepy���� Angry���� Shocked���� Ermm���� Cool���� Geek���� Dead
��- How are these people feeling?
Tony's soccer team lost the final game. He is very
���Lisa does not know what to do. She is really
�When Mary saw her ex-boyfriend with another girl, she�became
� Maureen did not study for her exam and�is very
Lucy does not understand the instructions. She is quite
���Dad caught a large fish. He is really
�The two friends were �of the haunted house. �
��� Smile���� Tongue���� Wink���� Cry�� ��LOL���� Big smile� � �LOL�� ��Embarrassed���� Confused���� Sleepy���� Angry���� Shocked���� Ermm���� Cool���� Geek���� Dead
-�Fill in the blank with�the correct option.
���������� The choices are sleepy, sad, silly, happy, angry, embarassed, upset
����Smile People often smile when they are .
��� Cry�People often cry when they are .
��� Sleepy�People often yawn when they are .
��� Embarrassed�People often�blush when they are .
�� Disapprove�People often�frown when they are .
� ��People often�make funny faces when they are .
People often shake their fists when they are .
�� �Smile���� Tongue���� Wink���� Cry�� ��LOL���� Big smile� � �LOL�� ��Embarrassed���� Confused���� Sleepy���� Angry���� Shocked���� Ermm���� Cool���� Geek���� Dead
- Crossword.
2 3


1. It's Bobby's birthday! He is _____.
3. Lisa has a new pink bike. Her neighbour is _____.
4.Tom did not study for his Math exam. He is _____.
6. Someone stole Mark's lunch money! He is _____.�
8. Tina's hamster died. She is _____.
2. Diego and Alan are watching a horror movie. They are ____.
5. Pedro� won the first prize in the Poetry contest. He is filled�with _____.
7. The twins are going to Disneyworld next summer.� They are _____.
9. Tom accidentaly broke his friend's new toy. He is _____.
��Smile���� Tongue���� Wink���� Cry�� ��LOL���� Big smile� � �LOL�� ��Embarrassed���� Confused���� Sleepy���� Angry���� Shocked���� Ermm���� Cool���� Geek���� Dead