English Exercises > conjunctions exercises

Connectives 01 (Author-Bouabdellah)

Downloadable worksheets:
"CONNECTORS" - Grammar Guide for Upper Intermediate and Advanced students
Level: advanced
Age: 13-17
Downloads: 3780

Because, however, or, but, and, so, unless, although/even though, despite, and yet: Conjunctions and Connectors (2 pages, plus KEY)
Level: advanced
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 2283

Contrast Clauses (although/ even though, but/yet, however, in spite of/despite)
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 2106

Connectors of Reason & Result, Purpose and Contrast - Rephrasing
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 1830

Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Downloads: 1700

Purpose Clauses (so/so that, to/in order to/so as to)
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 1438


Technicum Si-Tarek Of Relizane
� Third Year Students
� Technological Streams 2003/2004
� Structure Practice: CONNECTIVES: "," / "But"�/ "And" / "Or"�

�QuestionExercise ONE:� Complete the following sentences by adding �and�, �but� or �or�.
1. Mrs. Taylor is tall�� and � slim.
2. Learning geography is hard �interesting.
3. I don�t like football �soccer.
4. Do you pull the handle �push it?
5. These tools are old �still good.
6. We visited lots of castles �palaces in England.
7. The classes are quite difficult �I�m doing well.
8. I didn�t know whether to turn left �right.

QuestionExercise TWO:� Complete the following sentences by adding�,� and �and� or �or� where necessary. The first one has been done for you.
1. You�ll need paper scissors glue.
� � You�ll need paper, scissors and glue.������������������������������������������������������
2. I don�t enjoy football swimming homework.
��� .
3. Shall we play tennis read a book watch TV?
��� ?
4. Do you want to sit next to Peter David Sam?
��� ?
5. We visited India Japan South Korea on our trip.
6. Mr. Carter likes classical music pop music jazz.
��� .
7. No one likes people who are rude mean cruel.
��� .
8. Dad has to make our breakfast help us get dressed take us to school.
��� .
QuestionExercise THREE:� Choose the sentence from the box that goes with each sentence below. Join the two sentences with �and�, �but� or �or�. The first one has been done for you.

a) You weren�t at home.����������������������������� f) Put it in the fridge.
b) Draw a picture of your favorite animal.��g) We couldn�t find it.
c) Nobody answered.�����������������������������������h) Will he drop it?
d) Do you want to play at my house?�����������i) Is Nicole smarter?
e) It was closed.������������������������������������������ j) She didn�t know the answer.
1. Shall I bring my computer games to your house?
2. We went to the supermarket.
3. Take this milk.
4. We looked everywhere for the key.
5. I phoned you this morning.
6. Jim asked the teacher.
7. Take a pencil.
8. Is Susan the smartest student in the class?
9. Do you think he�ll catch the ball?
10.We knocked at the door.
