English Exercises > colours exercises


Downloadable worksheets:
colors (for beginners)
Level: elementary
Age: 5-17
Downloads: 6428

Level: elementary
Age: 6-11
Downloads: 5409

My Dream House
Level: elementary
Age: 7-11
Downloads: 5041

Colour the numbers (1-10)
Level: elementary
Age: 4-8
Downloads: 4768

On the farm - animals (1/3)
Level: elementary
Age: 5-9
Downloads: 4086

To be wild (3/3)
Level: elementary
Age: 5-9
Downloads: 3471


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����� apple������ ��� orange��������� sun����������tree������������sky���������fun���
. Listen to the song. Check the cards�and fill in the blanks.
������������������������������������������� Oh, I like red. It's the colour of an
������������������������ Orange. It's the colour of an .
�������������������������� Yellow . It's a lemon and�a wonderful , sun, sun.
��������������������������Green. It's the colour of the �and lots of things that grow.
������������������������� And then there's blue for the
��������������������������And purple that's a colour that's , fun, fun.
��������������������������And when we put those colours side by side
���������������������������Now, what do you think we've done?
���������������������������We've made a �and it's a really beautiful one, one, one.
��� RedOrangeYellowGreenBluePurplePinkBrown��� �
. Find the name of the animal and its colour.
The �is The��is���The �is
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The �is The �is ��The �is
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. Look at�each fruit and find its name. Is the sentence true or false? Click on the correct option.
�1. ������������� An is pink.� True�� �False
2. � An� is�green. �True�� �False
3. ������� A��is orange. � �True�� �False
4.��� These�� are�purple.� �True� �False
5. ��� This� is orange.��� �True� �False
.� Mixing colours to make...
���������� purplegrey�� orange�� green��pink��.brown� ��
Write the correct word.
�� 1. If�we mix blueand yellow,�we make .
�� 2. If�we mix�red and yellow,�we make .
�� 3. If�we mix�black and white,�we make .
�� 4. If�we mix�red and blue,�we make .
�� 5. If�we mix�red and white,�we make .
�� 6.�If�we mix�red and black,�we make .
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