1. Choose the right word to fill in the dialogue:
Waiter:������ Good , sir, madam.
Guests:������� Good evening. We have a� for two at 8 o'clock.
Waiter:������ May I have your , please?
Guest 1:������ Mr. and Mrs. Bellini.
Waiter:������ Yes, sir, here is your , by the window, as you wanted.
Guest 2:������ Thank you. Can you get us a� of red wine?
Waiter:������ Of course, madam. Here are the menus.
Guest 1:������ I think I'll start with minestrone �, and then I'll have some lemon risotto.
Guest 2:������ Sounds delicious. I'll have some bruscetta, then pasta with mussels.
Waiter:������ Are you ready to ?
Guest 1:������ Yes. Minestrone soup and lemon� for me, and bruscetta and pasta with
mussels for my wife.
Waiter:������ May I suggest you� our olive and garlic bread, they're fresh.
Guest 2:������ That sound fantastic. And bring us two tiramisu� later.
Waiter: ����� Can I offer you a� as well? Tomato and mozarella is very popular.
Guest 1: ����� No, thank you. But some olives would be nice.
Waiter:������ Right away, sir. Thank you. Enjoy !