English Exercises > present simple exercises

Present simple vs. Present continuous

Downloadable worksheets:
Level: elementary
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 4733

Present simple vs Present continuous
Level: elementary
Age: 9-17
Downloads: 2143

What a holiday!
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-14
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Level: elementary
Age: 11-14
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Simple Present vs Present Continuous Tense
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-14
Downloads: 896

Present Simple vs Present Continuous (Greyscale + KEY included)
Level: elementary
Age: 9-14
Downloads: 836


Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

Warm-up activity���������������������������������������������������

Watch this video:Geek

1) The boys in the video�say that they �English but, in fact, they �English in the video.

2) The boys in the video say that they �German but, in fact, they �German in the video.
3) The girl in the video �a garage.
4) One of the boys in the video .
5) The other boy .

Complete the following sentences with�the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
a. John: Look! What �(that man/do)?

�� Mary: I �(think) he �(try) to climb the tree, but why �(he/want) to climb it?

�� John: A huge dog �(chase) him!!

b. Teacher:�Alfred! What �(you/think) about?
��� Alfred: Sorry, Sir.

��� Teacher: You �(not/pay) attention to the lesson. I �(not/think) you'll pass your exam�if ������������������ you �(not/pay) attention during my�lessons!!

c. I �(usually/walk) to school, but today it �(rain) so I �(go) by bus.

d. Finding a job �(get) more and more difficult these days.�I �(want) to get a good�job, so this last year at university I �(work) really hard.

e. This afternoon I �(meet) my friend Alice at 5 o'clock. I �(usually/meet) her at 6, but today she �(visit) the dentist at 6.�

f. Julia: �(ice creams/melt) when it's hot?

�� Mark: Of course! Look!�Mine �(melt) right now!

Choose the correct option:

a. �to London�three times a week.

b. Water� �at 0��Celsius.

c. "What �?" "I �."

d. "What �?" "I am a�teacher".

e. She �a lot these days.

f. It �in January.

g. Look!�It .

h. I �in ghosts.

i. She �and it annoys me.

Make questions for the following answers:

a. �?

Yes, she speaks English.

b. �every weekend?
Yes, they play tennis every weekend.

c. ?�

She's crying because she has a terrible headache.

d. ?

I study English twice a week.

e. ?

They are going to the cinema.�

Write negative sentences:

a. She speaks three languages.�

b. I am singing my favourite songs.

c. I believe you.

d. They are playing football.

e. He goes to school everyday.
