Okay, first I need (1) ana knife to start dinner. Now let me see if I have got everything. Well, there is a lot of milk, isn’t there? Oh, I’ve only got a littlesomefew (2) after all. Hum, just half a bottle. And lemons? How muchmany (3) lemons are there? There are plenty. Good! There aren’t muchmany (4) tomatoes, are there? Well, there’re only two left. No problem. Have I got enough meat for dinner? Yes, there is muchmanylots of (5) meat. But is there someanyan (6) oil? Let me see. Oh, there is noanysome (7) oil left. Well, I will have to buy anysome (8). What about butter? Oh no, there isn’t littlemanymuchfew (9) left, is there? And there are only a fewlittlea (10) sausages, right? No, actually there are lots of sausages. Good! But I still need aansome (11) oranges. Not many, just two or three. Oh, I almost forgot. I will also need aansome (12) apple. Yes, that’s it. Thanks!"