English Exercises > modals exercises


Downloadable worksheets:
CAN & CANīT - Expressing Ability
Level: elementary
Age: 11-14
Downloads: 4367

Modal Verbs
Level: elementary
Age: 11-14
Downloads: 4004

CAN / CANīT (1)
Level: elementary
Age: 7-12
Downloads: 3903

Five Senses Activity
Level: elementary
Age: 3-10
Downloads: 38

Things we can find at home
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Downloads: 2674

SHOPS - Where can I buy?
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Downloads: 2732




         kangaroo                               birds                                        lion                                   fish


1. Write the name of the animal.

1.  can jump.     2.  can swim.     3.  can run.     4.  can fly.


2. Write the verb.

swim   jump   fly   run.

1. Kangaroo can't  and  and .     2. Birds can't  and  and .

3. Lion can't  and.     4. Fish can't  and  and .

3. Watch a video about can/can't

What can the boy do?  

He can  and .

4. What can little Tom do? ( find the verbs )

3 2

1. Smiley Face Outline clipart     2. Soup Vector Clipart illustration     3.      4. Mother Playing Patty Cake with Her Baby
