English Exercises > countables - uncountables exercises

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Downloadable worksheets:
Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Downloads: 4720

Food / countable and uncountable nouns / quantifiers
Level: elementary
Age: 10-12
Downloads: 2628

Level: elementary
Age: 11-14
Downloads: 1872

Nouns: gender, plurals, countable and uncountable
Level: elementary
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 1653

A, an, some & any with there is/are and countable & uncountable food nouns.
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-12
Downloads: 1572

countable and uncountable nouns
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 1487


1. Write c for countable and u for uncountable:
�� time - �������� books - ������ sugar - ����� milk - ����� pens - �������� hair - ��������� ��chairs -
���meat - ������� butter - ������ pencils - ��� bread - ��� jam - ��������� friends - ����� �fingers -
� flour - �������� apples - ����� oil - ����������� cars - ���� �salt - ���������� �houses - ������� �cheese -
� rice - ��������� tea - ���������� games - ����� tomatoes - �� cream - ��� honey - ����� carrots -
�a)� a / an + singular countable noun�( a pen, an apple)���� some� + plural countable nouns - positive sentences ( There are some cars)
���������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������� some�+��uncountable nouns - positive sentences��( There is some oil)�����
��any - we use any in negative sentences and in most questions.(countable and uncountable nouns)��I don't have any pens.�There isn't any salt.������
���������� Do you have any sisters?
2.�Choose a, an, some or any
a)� It is �dog.���������������������������� b) Have you got � friends?����������������������c) �I bought �milk.
d) Linda has not�got �pets.������� e) There is �orange on the table.������������� f) Tim eats �cheese every day.
g)�We don't have���bread.������� h) My brother found �money.����������������� i) My sister found �pen.
j) Do you have��eggs?������������ k) There are �students in the classroom.�� l)�Is there �pencil on the desk?������
�b) how much - we use with uncountable nouns�������������� how many - we use with countable nouns.
3. Choose How� much or How many
a)� �cheese do you buy?
b) �books are there in your bag?
c)��films did Tom see last week?
d) �money do you spend every week?
e) �friends does Linda have?
f) �sugar do we need?
g) �tomatoes are there in the fridge?
h) �meat are you going to buy?
i) �milk did you drink yesterday?
j) �apples do you see?