English Exercises > animals exercises

Fearsome Creatures 2 (Beware: Dangerous Vocabulary)

Downloadable worksheets:
Level: elementary
Age: 6-11
Downloads: 5409

animals vocabulary for kids (cut and paste exercise)
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Downloads: 4835

On the farm - animals (1/3)
Level: elementary
Age: 5-9
Downloads: 4086

To be wild (3/3)
Level: elementary
Age: 5-9
Downloads: 3471

PETS 2 (hamster, fish, turtle, parakeet)
Level: elementary
Age: 6-100
Downloads: 66

Animal idioms
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 66


Read and write or click the correct answers.
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This is a . It lives in .������� This is a . It's got very .
It usually sleeps during the cold winter months.��������� They usually hunt in .
This sleep is called .���������������������������������� True or false:�It weighs over a tonne.�
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This is a��. It's an .��������������������������This is an . It lives in water.
It's black or brown and has a body.���������������It has a �on top of its head.��
True or false: It's got eight eyes. ������������������ True or false: It's�over 15 metres long.�
This is a .��������������������������������������������� This is a . It can grow up to �metres.
It lives in .������������������������������������������������ Its South American cousin is the .
True or false: It is a carnivore. ����������������������� True or false: It is venomous.
This is a .��������������������������������������������������������This is a .
Its bite is �fatal for humans.����������������������� It can weigh up to �kilos.
True or false: It can fly short distances.��������� True or false: It has toxic tentacles.
This is a .���������������������������������������� This is a .
It keeps it babies in a pouch: it's a .������������ Its population has dwindled due to .
True or false: It's bigger than a pony.������������� True or false: It can fly short distances.