Hello,my name� Maria. I �5 years old.
It �my birthday today.
I �very��happy.All��my friends here today.�

This �Rima. She my mother.
My mother �40 years old.
�She �a vet.She loves animals very much.
My mother� tall.She short. |

This man �my father. He a teacher. His name Fred. He loves his job a lot. I and my dad �really good friends. He �very funny.

This �my sister Linda. She �7 years old.She �a pupil.�Linda and I like to watch TV and play dolls together.We �happy girls. |

This is Jack. He �my brother. Jack �14 years old. His hobby �playing the guitar.My brother has brown hair and black eyes.���. He �short. Jack a tall boy.

These girls �my neighbors. We all live in one house.
Nina has flowers for me. The flowers �white and yellow.Kate has a toy cat. It �brown. Lana has a plate. There �cookies on it. Helen has a basket. There �apples� for me. I �happy to have good friends. |

Look at these two girls.They �Moli and Peggy. They �my best friends. We �all 6 years old. I �happy to see them on my birthday.

This boy my cousin Patrick.He �eight years old.
What �he doing now?
He �blowing the candles on my birthday cake. |

This my cousin�from London. Her name �Anna. She �playing with my aunt's cat. They��in our garden� now.

What a surprise!My uncle Tom and my aunt Dora� here too. They in England.They live in London.
Tom �a dentist and Dora �a nurse. They have a baby boy. His name� �Bob. He �only two years old. |
We have two pets. This �our pet dog Bimbo.� It � brown.
�It has a black nose.His eyes �are very small.Bimbo likes bones. �
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Look at our cat. It���very fat. Its name Flaffy. Flaffy's nose��pink. His tail �long. His ears����big.Flaffy likes to catch mice.����������������������
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I have a special birthday . My parents,my family,my cousins,my friends �here today! There�so many presents! I love presents!

I� go to school next year. My parents have a nice present for me.
It �a big school bag. It �yellow. There �may things in the bag: books,notebooks,pencils and pens. |
It my grandma's present. There �three books on my desk. I like to read .There �an apple on the books.
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It �an umbrella.
There �seven colors on my new umbrella. I like it!
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My favorite present �my new bike.
I will ride my bike every day.My bike �cool.

The birthday party a lot of fun.
�There �colorful ballons in my room. |
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