English Exercises > furniture exercises

3 time consuming exercises FURNITURE

Downloadable worksheets:
Level: elementary
Age: 7-12
Downloads: 5163

My Dream House
Level: elementary
Age: 7-11
Downloads: 5041

Prepositions and furniture
Level: elementary
Age: 7-11
Downloads: 1652

Level: elementary
Age: 9-12
Downloads: 1303

Level: elementary
Age: 7-14
Downloads: 1106

The living room / The Bedroom
Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Downloads: 1045


�Look at the picture and decide whether the sentences are true. In case you do not know the word, ask your teacher or consult a dictionary. You will have to know the following words: see in the boxes above.�
  1. There�is a sofa in the living room.
  2. There is an armchair in the living room.
  3. There is a window in the living room.
  4. There is a drawer in the living room.
  5. There is a carpet in the living room.
  6. There is a fireplace in the living room.
  7. There is a closet in the bedroom.
  8. There is a wardrobe in the bedroom.
  9. There is a bed in the bedroom.
  10. There is a bed side table in the bedroom.
  11. There are curtains in the bedroom.
  12. There is a lamp in the bedroom.
  13. There are tiles in the bathroom.
  14. There is a carpet in the bathroom.
  15. There is a toilet in the bathroom.
  16. There is a bath in the bathroom.
  17. There is a fridge in the bathroom.
  18. There is a cooker in the bathroom.
  19. There is a cooker in the kitchen.
  20. There is a carpet in the kitchen.
  21. There is a fridge in the kitchen.
  22. There is a clock in the kitchen.
  23. There are shelves in the kitchen.
  24. There is a washing machine in the kitchen.
  25. There is a dishwasher in the kitchen.
  26. There is a sink in the kitchen.
  27. There is a washing machine in the utility room.
  28. There are shelves in the utility room.
  29. There is an iron in the utility room.
  30. There is a sofa in the utility room.
  31. There is a bed in the nursery.
  32. There is a TV in the nursery.
  33. There is a window in the nursery.
  34. There are curtains in the nursery.
  35. There is a wardrobe in the nursery.
  36. There are trees in the garden.
  37. There is a waste bin in the garden.
  38. There is a swimming pool in the garden.
  39. There are flowers in the garden.
  40. There is a ball in the garden.
Look at the picture and choose the right word that matches each. Each name of the room/premises has a number. You have to choose the right number that matches each picture.
1. living room������� 2. nursery������������ �3. bathroom������
4. garden�������������� 5. bedroom����������� 6. kitchen����������
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Choose the right word that suits. You will not probably have a fridge in the bathroom:).�
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