English Exercises > thanksgiving exercises

Ever heard about Thanksgiving ?

Downloadable worksheets:
"The First Thanksgiving" - Reading comprehension for Elementary/ Upper Elementary students
Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Downloads: 1750

Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Downloads: 1196

Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 1019

Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 967

Level: elementary
Age: 8-14
Downloads: 945

Level: elementary
Age: 11-14
Downloads: 957


Have ever heard of Thanksgiving ?

The history behind Thanksgiving

Have you ever wondered why Americans celebrate Thanksgiving? Do you know why it�s a different date every year?

I- Watch the video
II- Answer the following questions by choosing the correct statement:
1- When�was Thanksgiving celebrated in 2010
�2- What do American people do on Thanksgiving ?
3-When did it begin ?
4-Who did the Pilgrim Fathers thank ?
5- What did the Pilgrim Fathers thank God for ?
6-What happened in 1621 ?
7- What happened in 1789 ?
8- Which date was chosen in 1941 ?
9- Which animal is eaten on Thanksgiving ?
10 What is the percentage of Americans eating turkey on Thanksgiving ?
11- How many pounds of turkey are produced every year ?
12- Which vegetable is produced to be served with turkey ?
13- Who nominated turkey the national bird of America ?
14- Which bird is the emblem of the United States today ?
III- What have you learnt about Thanksgiving
In 2010, Thanksgiving Day was on . It is celebrated every year on the �in the United States. It began with the �who wanted to �God and the �for their first . The Plymouth Colonists and the Wanpanoag Indians �their first Thanksgiving in .� Today� it is a� festival for �to meet and have a good meal, they generally eat �and .
IV-�Find�12 words or expressions�from the text :