English Exercises > readings exercises

Reading Comprehension

Downloadable worksheets:
READING Comprehension -Two articles: E-mails - a sign of progress or of laziness? / Text messaging :-) OR :-(?
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 4775

The 1st 45-minute-lesson (of 2) on the topic My Favourite Hobbies -- Reading Comprehension for Upper Elementary and Lower intermediate students
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 4950

"Teen Diet isn�t all junk Food!" - Reading comprehension + Writing activities
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 4406

"Bullying... WHY ME?!!" Reading/ Writing Worksheet for Intermediate students
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-17
Downloads: 4031

"Shopping - Do you like it or hate it?" ( a 90-minute class) - Reading comprehension + writing for Intermediate or Upper elementary students
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-17
Downloads: 3155

The 1st 45-minute-lesson (of 2) on the topic Describing People -- Reading Comprehension for Upper Elementary and Lower intermediate students
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-14
Downloads: 3210


  • Match:

  • Read and answer:

1.���is twelve years old.


���� 2.�Mr. Taki is Nick's .


���� 3.Mother and Sandra are :

in the car

on the picnic

in the kitchen

���� 4.����� is washing some apples and grapes.�


��� 5.Mother is :

cleaning the car

making sandwiches

putting bread in the basket


�6.Where is the car?

�7.Who is not working? �


�8.Little Rina is not helping because....


she is in the car

she is playing with the apples

she is only a baby

�9.Mr.Taki is at home on :�

��� Saturday

��� Sunday

��� Friday


10.A good name for the story is ''_________________''.

��� The Picnic

��� The Holiday on the farm

��� The Happy Family


  • Choose the correct answer:������������������������������������

1.���� Mr. Taki is on the farm today.���������������������������������������������������


2.��� The watermelon is near the basket.�

3.��� The baby is sitting on the grass.���


4.��� Sandra is helping her mother.


5.� Nick is washing the grapes.��







1. is Nick ?������������������������������������������ He is eleven years old.

2. is Rina ?�������������������������������������������� She is near the car.

3.is helping the father? ����������������������� �The children are helping.

4. is ready?������������������������������������������� Coffee is ready.

5. is the car ?�������������������������������������� �It is in the yard.

6. is Mr. Taki at home?�������������������������� Because it is holiday today.

7.�is the picnic?�������������������������������������On Sunday.
  • Choose the correct verb:

1.���� Mother sandwiches.

2.��� The baby with the toys.

3.��� Sandra�����cheese in the basket.

4.��� Father��� �his car.

5.��� The children their parents.

�� 6. The family �ready for the picnic.

�����our school site�������
���������by Victoria��