English Exercises > irregular verbs exercises

The princess and the Pea / Past Tense

Downloadable worksheets:
Irregular Verbs - Past Simple ( 4 pages)
Level: elementary
Age: 9-17
Downloads: 4043

Past Simple Test Regular/Irregular Verbs
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-14
Downloads: 2665

Irregular verbs
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 1785

Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 1647

My First Irregular Verbs
Level: elementary
Age: 11-17
Downloads: 1583

Regular and Irregular - Simple Past - SNOOPY�S BUSY MONTH
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 1497


Learn�the new words:
�prince,� queen, �king,� peas,� princess, �palace, �mattress,� servants

Once upon a time there���(be)�a young prince.

The prince �( want) a wife.
He �( want) to marry a princess.
So the prince� ( travel�) around the world on his horse.

The prince �( meet)�a lot of beautiful girls.

�I�m a princess,�the girls �( say).But the prince �(�not believe )them.
Some girls ��(be) too short. Others��(be) too tall to be princesses.

Finally,the prince ( go)�back to his palace.He���(be) very sad.

The king and the queen���(be) very sad too.

The next evening there���(be) a terrible storm.

The sky���(be) black and it ( rain) and� ( rain).

There���(be) a knock at the palace door.

A servant (open) it. And he ( see)�a beautiful girl outside in the rain.

The girls clothes���(be)� wet.Her hair��(be)� wet.

She���(be) very cold.�I�m a princess,�the girl said. � Please can I come in?�

The servant ( take )�the girl to the queen.

�I�m a princess �,the girl� �( say) again.
But the queen� �(�not believe )her.

The queen and the servant ( go) out of the room.

�The girl is staying with us tonight�,the queen�( say) .
�Make a bed for her.Put twenty mattresses on the bed�.

The queen� ( go) into the kitchen.She (pick) up a pea.

She�( think)�that real princesses can�t sleep when there is a pea under twenty mattresses.

The next morning the queen ( go)� into the princess�s bedroom.

�How did you sleep?�the queen ( ask).
�I��(sleep) badly.
There��(be)something in the bed.I don�t know what it��(be).
Perhaps it��(be) a stone.�,the princess �( say).

The girl���(be) a princess ! The queen now �(believe) her.

The queen��(be)sure that princesses can�t sleep when there is a pea under twenty mattresses.

So the prince��( marry)�the princess.

But first he ( take )the pea to the royal museum.And it�s in the museum today!��
Match :�
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1.He travelled around the world.

2.They were very sad.

3.He opened the door.

4.He saw a beautiful girl.

5.She got wet in a storm.

6.She put a small pea under the mattresses.

Match :�




�prince����������� �


�king and queen


�evening������ ����



��� 6.rainy������������������



�end���������� ������


�princess������� �

What,� �When,� Where,�� Who,�� How,�� Why
1.�did the queen go? �She went into the kitchen.
2.�did the girl say? " I'm a real princess"
3.�was a terrible storm? The storm was�in the�evening.
4.�did the girl sleep? She slept badly.
5.�opened the door? The servant opened the door.
6.�did he travell around the world? because he wanted to marry a princess.
Watch the�video�now. Enjoy!�
��� by Victoria�������������������������������������������������������
�������our school site��