English Exercises > birthday exercises

How old are you

Downloadable worksheets:
Happy Birthday - 3 of 6
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Downloads: 1520

Happy Birthday - 4 of 6
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Downloads: 1157

How old are you? - Short Dialogues to act out
Level: elementary
Age: 8-11
Downloads: 804

How old are you?
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Downloads: 563

How old are you? Let�s write numbers
Level: elementary
Age: 5-8
Downloads: 502

Level: elementary
Age: 9-11
Downloads: 450


My name is Tom.
I am seven.
Happy Birthday Banner clip art
birthday party
�� Birthday Present clip art Hamburger clip art
Click on the right word���������� black and green animated arrow ��� ��� ������� ����� ���� ����
Read the instructions and write the correct number next to the birthday presents.
number 1 - a scooter���� number 2 - a book���� number�3 - a clown���� number�4 - a kite���� number 5 - a drum
number�6 - a watch������ number�7 - a guitar�� number�8 - a bike����� number�9 - candies�� number 10- a cat
Look at these numbers and tick the right answer.
�������� ��
Yes���������� No Yes���������� No
Number 1 is red. ����������� ������ Number 6 is orange. �����������
Number 5 is red green. ����������� Number 3 is green. ����������
Number 2 is pink. ����������� Number 9 is white. ����������
Number 10 is black. ������������ Number 7 is brown. ����������
Number 8 is purple. ����������� Number 4 is grey. �����������
Look at my friends. Choose HE or SHE.
This is my friend Al.
�is nine.
This is my friend Lisa.
�is ten.
This is my friend Peter.
�is seven.
This is my friend Emma.
�is six.
This is my friend Rob.
�is five.
This is my friend Alice.
�is four.
This is my friens Nick.
�is eight.
This is my friend David.
�is one.
These are my friends Mary and John.
�is three and �is three too.
�Answer these questions. Write 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10.
����������� 1. How old is Nick?��black and green animated arrow�He is .��������������� 2. How old is Peter?black and green animated arrow�He is .
������ 3. How old is Emma?black and green animated arrow�She is .������������� 4. How old is Alice?black and green animated arrow�She is.
������ 5. How old is Al?���� black and green animated arrow�He is .��������������� 6. How old is Mary?black and green animated arrow�She is .
������ 7. How old is John?black and green animated arrow�He is .��������������� 8. How old is Rob?� black and green animated arrow�� He is .
������ 9. How old is Lisa? black and green animated arrow�she is .������������� 10. How old is David?black and green animated arrowHe is .
Read the sentences and tick the right picture.
It's a cake.�
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It's a present.���
��������� ������� Birthday Present clip art ��������� Hamburger clip art
It's a bike.�
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It's a cat.���
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It's a hat.��
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a cartoon clown playing a drum animated gif
�Good luck,
teacher Mira