English Exercises > some or any exercises

Some and any * 3 tasks for beginners* with grammar

Downloadable worksheets:
Level: elementary
Age: 10-12
Downloads: 1545

Some & Any
Level: elementary
Age: 6-12
Downloads: 1535

House and Furniture: Practising there is/are; a/an, some, any; place prepositions
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Downloads: 1231

Some/ Any/ No/ Every and Compounds
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 1138

Level: elementary
Age: 10-12
Downloads: 1073

Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Downloads: 921


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For beginners

Some grammar explanation



The noun

o����� countable nouns are in plural form

o����� uncountable nouns are in singular form

o����� countable nouns are in plural form

o����� uncountable nouns are in singular form

The sentence

affirmative statements

in questions and negative sentences

or in sentences with one of these words: without, never, seldom, rarely, hardly, �


o����� I have got some friends.

o����� Mary does some housework every day.

o����� Did Larry buy any candles?

o����� Kevin doesn�t eat any cheese.


Write the correct determiner (some or any) into the sentences.

1)����� There are apples in my basket.

2)����� Do you buy books?

3)����� There isn�t milk at home.

4)����� I eat soup.

5)����� These are pens.

6)����� Have they got money?

7)����� I am writing tests today.

8)����� You can�t read newspapers in this caf�.

9)����� Do you collect stickers?

10)����� children are sitting in the park.

11)����� My son has homework.

12)����� Does her daughter listen to music?

13)����� Are there films on TV?

14)����� Sssh! There�s noise outside.

15)����� There aren�t cats in the garden.


Write the correct determiner (some or any) into the sentences.

1)����� Grandpa gave chocolate to the kids.

2)����� Mike hasn�t got mugs.

3)����� My friends never paint pictures.

4)����� There�s sand in my shoes.

5)����� Steve did his homework without help.

6)����� Paul is thinking of good memories.

7)����� We often eat ham for breakfast.

8)����� Diane keeps photos in her bag.

9)����� There�s hardly honey in the jar.

10)����� I can rarely take photos because I haven�t got a camera.

11)����� Susan has �coffee and cake in the afternoons.

12)����� Did you buy butter yesterday?

13)����� They have surprises for us.

14)����� We seldom pick flowers.

15)����� I need advice.


Put a tick ()�next to�the correct word.

1) I read some/any books on my holiday.

2) Jim hasn�t got any money/moneys for the ticket.

3) Lisa wrote some letter/letters to her aunt.

4) Is / Are there any bananas in your bag?

5) Did you eat some / any rice?

6) There isn�t / aren�t any lemonade in the bottle.

7) My father asked some information / informations about the new service.

8) Some cats has / have got big ears.

9) Sam always buys some / any bread.

10) I didn�t put some / any salt into the soup yesterday.

11) Have your parents got any free time / times?

12) Can you see some / any clouds in the sky?

13) There is / are some cheese in the fridge.

14) Tina has got some box / boxes.

15) Does / Do any students leave their homework at home?


Created by Susan V. Toth