English Exercises > Other printables exercises

Business Vocabulary

Downloadable worksheets:
JOB INTERVIEW - vocabulary, tips, gaps filling and speaking (fully editable)
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 2149

Prepositional Phrases (Business English)
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 956

Prepositional Phrases 2 (Business English)
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 576

Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 400

Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 440

Banking and business vocabulary. 4 pages + Key included (Editable)
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 386


Business English
A - Choose the best alternative to complete each sentence.
1. Often a discount is offered as an �to get a customer to pay promptly.
2. Remember that was only an �. The final cost could be higher.
3. Check the �note and see that you've got everything.
4. When ordering, please quote the �.
5. Every month account customers are sent a��.
6. In the UK, VAT (Value Added Tax) is a tax on goods and �.
7. We have undercharged her by mistake, so we'll send her a �note for the amount.
8. It's better to start exporting on a small �and then expand if things go well.
9. The person the goods are sold to is called a �.
10. If you take the sweater back to the shop they'll want to see the �to show you bought it there.
11. The task of the public relations department is to project the right
12. We have to hilight our strengths and �any weaknesses.
13. It's essential to �the invoice number in any correspondence.
14. The �of the invoice goes to the customer, another copy goes to Sales, and we keep the other in Accounts.
15. Before you get the job you need a �examination.
B - Answer the questions and tick the right options.
1. Which of the following words relate to BANKING?
cash machine���� interest���� Human Resources���� withdraw���� duty
2. Which of the folloing are used for transporting goods?
account���� truck���� delivery���� van���� pick up
3. Which of the following are commercial documents?
loan���� purchase order���� invoice���� amount���� credit note
4. Which of these items are found in invoices?
customer���� list of clients���� unit price���� number of document���� inventory
5. If you have money, you...
take out���� spend���� postpone���� pay���� read
6. Which of the following are�related to�GOODS?
statement���� balance���� freight���� cargo���� container