1. She doesdosmakes�my homework. 2. Luis playplaysplayes�basketball. 3. He and she worksworkeswork�in the same place. 4. Mar�a takestaketaking�a bath at night. 5. Warner cookcookescooks�pizza. 6. They writingwriteswrite�a letter. 7. Fernando drivesdrivedrivies�to work. 8. Oldemar haveshashave�a motorcycle. 9.�Ross studiesstudysstudy�French. 10. Magda fixfixesfixies�my car.
� a) swim / doesn't / Martha. � b) use / Abigail / the computer. � c) Jos� / every day /�ride his bike. � d) buy / usually / Cris and Mike / new tv shows � e) never /My mother�/ walk the dogs. � f) eat pizza / Carlos / sometimes / � g) the guitar/ Deiber / play /almost always / � � h) rarely /David / study. � � i) Constantly/ Kimbly /�wash my car /�� � � j) have / Gerard/ two black cars.� � �