English Exercises > future tense exercises

Happy New Year

Downloadable worksheets:
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Downloads: 241

Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Downloads: 201

Happy New Year !
Level: elementary
Age: 7-14
Downloads: 148

Happy New Year vocabulary
Level: elementary
Age: 6-10
Downloads: 141

Happy New Year!
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 133

New Years Resolutions
Level: elementary
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 132


New Year’s Resolution Song
(Rhett and Link)
Listen to the song and do the activities.
A. Type the words you hear. They are all -ing verbs! Wink
out, weight
maybe tanning spray
more attractive in general

more, less
all the rules for chess
somewhat smarter in general
fish, not fingernails
volunteer to save the whales
a better guy in general
more, less
yes I will wax my chest
more girls in general

B. Choose the correct word.
But not this year. No this year is different!
As different as a gazelle. Yes, a gazelle from a deer.
After all these failed .
My future is clear, the future is !

Just forget those you
know that you are never do
and adopt a more realistical
by committing to things that come easily to you
like eat at least one value a week
or put the correct shoes on the correct feet
just "Raise the bar to walk effortlessly underneath!"

Just face the fact you've always
those don't mean squat
Settle in to a more comfortable spot
embrace all the things you know you are not.
Hit the snooze, roll over, then
Make large purchases, then the receipts
just "Raise the bar to walk effortlessly underneath!"
Which of these is not part of the New Year’s resolutions mentioned in the song? There is more than one!
This year I’m going to lose weight!  
This year I'm going to exercise more!
I’m going to stop biting my fingernails!
I’m going to read more!

I’m going to help the poor!

I’m going to stop smoking!

This year I’m going to spend less!

This year I’m going to study hard!


What does the song say? Check all the possible alternatives.

1. Every year we make resolutions about things we don't really want to do.

2. We shouldn't make any resolutions.

3. Sometimes we are too ambitious when making resolutions.

4. Most people don't like making changes.

5. Don't promise to change things you know you can't change.

6. Be more realistic about your resolutions.

7. Everybody should exercise more.

8. People don't want to do big and important things, like saving the whales.


So, any "big" resolutions for next year?