English Exercises > to be exercises

Was, Were and Jobs

Downloadable worksheets:
Verb to BE
Level: elementary
Age: 10-12
Downloads: 8853

to be
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Downloads: 5141

Back to School series - Focus on grammar: am, is, are (1/2)
Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Downloads: 4195

verb to be
Level: elementary
Age: 7-12
Downloads: 4122

Verb to BE
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 3543

Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 3406


1. Complete the chart with the verb TO BE in the past:





I was

you were
she was
it was
you were
they were
I wasn't
he wasn't
it wasn't
we weren't
you weren't
Was I...?
Were you...?
Was she...?
Was it...?
Were you...?
Were they...?
No, I wasn't /Yes I was
No, you  /Yes, you were
No, he wasn't/ Yes, he
No, she wasn't/ Yes, she was
No, it wasn't/ Yes, it was
No, we weren't/ Yes, we
No, you weren't / Yes, you were
No, they weren't/ Yes, they were
2. Write the JOBS below the pictures:
farmer, tailor, doctor, nurse, plumber, actor, technician, queen, waiter, driver, baker, king, architect, musician
3. Write sentences like the one in the example using the information in brackets. Use short forms for the negative:
Example: (My father/plumber) My father was a plumber
1. (Tom's father/doctor) .                               2. (Victoria/Queen of England) .
3. (The Coen brothers/not actors) .    4. (Shakespeare/playwright) .
5. (Columbus/explorer) .                                 6. (Whitney Houston/singer) .
7. (Mrs Smith/my first grade teacher) . 8. (Steve McQueen/actor) .
9. (John Lennon/not nurse) .                         10. (Mozart/not writer) .
11. (The Lumiere brothers/not musicians) .  12. (The Tudors/kings) .
4. Choose the correct question for the following answers:
1.  William Shakespeare was an English playwrite.
2.  Columbus was born in Valladolid in 1436.
3.  No, they weren't.
4.  My first grade teacher was Mrs Ortiz.
5.  My favourite teacher was Mrs March.
5. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences:
1. William Shakespeare wasn't a film director.
 He was an actor and playwright
 He wasn't an actor and playwright
 He were an actor and playwright
2. Marie Curie...
 were a famous scientist
 weren't a famous scientist
 was a famous scientist
3. The police...
 were at the crime scene when the photographers arrived.
 was at the crime scene when the photographers arrived.
 when the photographers arrived at the crime scene they were there.
4. Bram Stoker...
 were the Irish writer who wrote "Dracula"
 was the Irish writer who wrote "Dracula"
 who wrote "Dracula" was Irish writer.
5. Why...
 were you at the party last night? Because I was in bed. I wasn't feeling OK.
 weren't you at the party last night? Because I was in bed. I wasn't feeling OK.
 wasn't you at the party last night? Because I was in bed. I was feeling OK.