English Exercises > animals exercises

Animals - Selling activity

Downloadable worksheets:
Level: elementary
Age: 6-11
Downloads: 5409

animals vocabulary for kids (cut and paste exercise)
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Downloads: 4835

On the farm - animals (1/3)
Level: elementary
Age: 5-9
Downloads: 4086

To be wild (3/3)
Level: elementary
Age: 5-9
Downloads: 3471

PETS 2 (hamster, fish, turtle, parakeet)
Level: elementary
Age: 6-100
Downloads: 66

Animal idioms
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 66


Watch the video:SPELL & SAY
Write the name of each animal:
Order the letters:
ogd�������������� fiergfa���������� �wco������������ ntehlepa�����
xof�������������� ydoek������������ act�������������� foalbfu������
nkomye��������� eazbr������������ lemca����������� hrosoernic��
noil�������������� areb�������������� okgkrana �����
rsoeh������������ egrit�������������� rhae��������������
Write the correct word:
1. It is a man's best friend
2. It likes milk
3. It is tall and has a long neck
4. It has a pocket and it can jump
5. It is the king of the animals
6. It lives in the desert
7. It is black and white; It gives us milk
8. It is big and fat and has a long trunk
9. It likes bananas and can climb trees
10.It is dirty and pink
11. It has black and white strips
12. It is very big and likes honey
13. It likes carrots
14. It is orange and black
1. Choose 5 animals - for each animal - draw a picture, write the name and a sentence describing the animal.
2. Choose 1 animal and describe it in 5 sentences.
3. Make an animal ID card: draw and write information about it:
Lives to eat:
Other information:
Betty Simelmits� Smile