English Exercises > exercises

Present Perfect

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Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
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Level: elementary
Age: 10-14
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GRAMMAR TIME - PRESENT PERFECT (with key editable)
Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Downloads: 5089

Present perfect vs Simple past in context
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 4146

Present Perfect
Level: elementary
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 3844

Simple Past or Present Perfect?
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 3571


Present Perfect


Form of Present Perfect

Positive Negative Question
I / you / we / they I have spoken. I have not spoken. Have I spoken?
he / she / it He has spoken. He has not spoken. Has he spoken?

For irregular verbs, use the participle form (see list of irregular verbs, 3rd column). For regular verbs, just add ed.

Exceptions in Spelling when Adding ed

Exceptions in spelling when adding ed Example
after a final e only add d                                             love – loved
final consonant after a short, stressed vowel
or l as final consonant after a vowel is doubled
admit – admitted
travel – travelled
final y after a consonant becomes i hurry – hurried


I. Look at the pictures. What has happened? Choose from:
go to bed  /  clean his shoes  /  stop raining  /  close the door  /  fall down  /  have a bath
                before                                              now
1.    He  has cleaned  his shoes.
2.   She  .
3.   They  .
4.   It  .
5.   He  .
6.  The picture  .
II. Complete the sentences with a verb from the list.
break  -  buy  -  decide  -  finish  -  forget  go  -  go  -  invite  -  see  -  not/see  -  take  -  tell 
1. "Can I have this newspaper?"    "Yes, I have finished with it".
2. I  some new shoes. Do you want to see them?
3. "Where is Liz?"    "She  out".
4. I'm looking for Paula.  you  her?
5. Look! Somebody  that window.
6. "Does Lisa know that you're going away?"    "Yes, I  her".
7. I can't find my umbrella. Somebody  it.
8. I'm looking for Sarah. Where  she ?
9. I know that woman but I  her name.
10. Susan is having a party tonight. She  a lot of people.
11. What are you going to do?  you ?
12. "Where are my glasses?"    "I don't know. I  them".
III. Reading
Read today's article and fill in the gasps with the correct verb forms from the list below.
discovered  -  has banned  -  received  -  has completed  -  advertised
1. has banned
2. already

Present Perfect in songs
Present Perfect in funny situations
1. The jury has found you guilty. Let's see how America voted!!!
2. Ahh sorry. He's changed his mind again. Stripes on the zebra, spots on the giraffe, no stars on the lion and maybe elephant bigger and the amoeba smaller.
3. We've voted you off the island.  - Ohh!
4. Now look what you've done!
5. Thank you! But I've already provided for my children's college education.  - Damn!
6. Hey! I love what you've done with the office!