Watch the video and do the exercise: CONFESSIONS OF A SHOPAHOLIC
Rebecca: When I was seven,��stopped believing in magic - that's when I first started... They were beautiful,� , they didn't even need any money, they had magic cards�
Rebecca Bloomwwod. Dress: Zac Posen. Belt: Tuttle and Vintage. Bag: Gucci!
You know that thing� and he smiles and your heart kind of goes like warm butter sliding down hot toast? Well, that�s what it�s like when� .
Cashier: Declined.
Rebecca:� ?
Cashier: Really declined.
Suze: How are you gonna pay this debt?
Rebecca: I know I�ve� but I�m turning my life around.
Suze: Fluent in Finnish?
Rebecca: Everyone pads their r�sum� a little.
Suze: You took a job at a savings magazine. Don�t you think it�s kind of ironic�that Rebecca Bloomwood is advising people on how to� ?
Girl in store: Gucci boots!!!
Rebecca:� .
Girl in store: Give them to me!
Suze: Becks,� . You simply figure out what to write about.
Rebecca: Shoes �
Luke: Describing investments in the way women� � That was very clever.
Rebecca: It is?
Alicia: This is a very important magazine.� ?
Rebecca: Do NOT open that closet!
Luke:� is a black Vernice shoe in a size 10.
Rebecca: You speak Prada?
Luke: Rebecca is pretty unique. She�s vivacious, inspiring, funny.� .
Rebecca: Where is it?� ? Ahhhh�
Luke: I remember from your r�sum� that� . There�s someone very excited to meet you. Janne. ��
Rebecca:� are the reason I left Finland. Hello?