Learn the irregular verbs
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Complete the sentence. Write the correct past form of the verb. Good Luck!
1�.����Mr. Fox� �a lot of jokes when he was younger.( know)
2��.���My friends� me a nice present for my birthday. (give)
3.�They� me a new bike.(buy)
4.�� We always �English�in the summer camp�in Spain.(speak)
5. The man��us the truth.(tell)
6.�� My brother��his homework in the afternoon. (do)
7. Then�he �a�glass of orange juice.(drink)
8. I� my keys at home yesterday.(forget)
9.� My uncle��me a lovely postcard last week.(write)
10. Last Sunday my sister �off her bike in the yard.(fall)
11.����We� �Goodbye� and then�we �our old friends.(say/leave)
12.�My father��to�the market�by�car today.(go)
13.��When�she �home from�work yesterday,�she �very tired.(come/feel)
14.���� My parents� to Los Angeles last month.(fly)
15.��� I��two letters from my old teacher yesterday.� (get)
12������A week ago we at a nice restaurant. (be)
13.�I� about�that�great�woman yesterday�. (think)
Choose the correct answer.
1. He ________ to sing when he was 9 years old. (to begin) ��begun ��began ��beginned
2. My little brother�________�his new�glasses when�he fell off hus bike. (to break) ��broked ��broken ��broke
3.�The pupils�________ at the football championship�a week ago. (to be) ��was ��are ��were
4. I� ________�my French homework at school yesterday. (to do) �� do �� did�
�� am doing
5. He ________ all the "Harry Potter" books last year. (to read) ��readed
��reads ��read
6. My father________ at my college last Monday? (to be) ��were ��is ��was
7. That boy________ the ball in the basket. (to throw)� ��threw ��throwed ��are throwing
8.�The police�________ the thief quickly. (to catch) ��caught� ��catched� ��catch
9. He ______famous men and women from fistory in the "Madame Tussaud's Museum. (to see)� ��sees ��saw ��seed
10. I ________ T-shirts from the museum shop to remind us of our visit yesterday. (to buy) ��buyed ��bought
��am buying �
11.�We ________ photos of our favorite stars last week. (to take) ��taken ��took ��taked
12. We� ________ to the beach in the morning yesterday. (to drive) ��drove ��drive ��driven
13. I� ________ a bike all the� day yestaerday. (to ride) ��rode ��ridden ��ride
14. Who________ my car?(to steal) ��stole ��stolen ��steal
15.�My mother�________ a beautiful. (to sing) ��sings ��singed ��sang
16.�I��________ my aunt an e-mail yesterday.(to write)� ��written ��wrote ��write
17.�The baby�________ in the living room peacefully. (to sleep) ��sleeps� ��slept� ��sleeping
18. The children________ in the lake in the afternoon.(swim) swam swum swimed
Below is a list of things Dana wanted to do yesterday.
- As she finished each one,she made a tick
next to it.
����������� Look at the list.Fill in the things she did and didn't do.
���������Things she did
1. Dana ate lunch.
2. Dana �milk and bread.
3.Dana �cheese sandwiches.
4.Dana �Mum at 18 o'clock.
5.Dana �Maya about English
�Things she didn't do
1.�She didn't go to the swimming pool.
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