
1. Can you recognize these countries?

1.���� 2.���� 3. ���� 4. ���� 5.

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6. ���� 7. ���� 8. ���� 9. ���� 10.

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11. ���� 12. ���� 13. ���� 14. ���� 15.

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16. ���� 17. ����18. ���� 19. ���� 20.

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21. ���� 22. ���� 23. ���� 24. ���� 25.

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26. ���� 27. ���� 28. ���� 29.

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2. Do you know the capitals of these countries?

1. Croatia ���� 2. Belgium ���� 3. Sweden ���� 4. the Czech Republic

5. Malta ���� 6. Bulgaria ���� 7. United Kingdom ���� 8. Slovenia ���� 9. Latvia

10. Italy ���� 11. Cyprus ���� 12. Lithuania ���13. Luxemburg �14. Hungary

15. Romania ���� 16. Turkey ���� 17. Slovakia ���� 18. Finland ����

19. the Netherlands ���� 20.Denmark ����� 21. Germany ���� 22. Estonia

23. Greece ���� 24.Austria ���� 25. Poland ���� 26. Portugal ���� 27. Spain

28. France ���� 29. Ireland ������

3. Can you recognize the city?

�� 1. ���� 2. ���� 3. ���� 4. ���� 5.

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6. ���� 7.

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