English Exercises > conversation exercises

present perfect tense with adverbs

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THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE WITH: ever, never, just, already, yet, still, for and since
Use the correct words to complete the sentences.�
Peter:� �Have you��been to Disney World?��
Jane:� � Yes, I have. I went there in 2010.� �Have you ever been to the one in Paris?
Peter:� �No,�.� To be honest, I don't really like that sort of thing.� I've��visited any of the theme parks in my city either.
Jane:� � I love theme parks!� I try to visit Warner Brothers parks in different cities but I��haven't been to the Warner Brothers Park in Madrid.�
Peter:� �Seriously?� Haven't you been to the one in Madrid�?� I can't believe it!� But you live in Madrid!
Jane:� � I know.� Strange, right?� I've lived in Madrid��six years and I��� haven't been to its most popular theme park.� What about you?�
Peter:� � What about me?
Jane:���� �You don't like theme parks and that sort of thing.� So, what do you like?
Peter:���� Oh, you would find it very boring.
Jane:����� You're not going to say "museums" are you?
Peter:� � �Well, actually I was.� I love art and history, so...
Jane:� � �Have you��visited the Prado Museum?
Peter:� �Oh yes. I've��been there.
Jane:����How many times?
Peter:� �I've visited it lots of times.� Every time I'm in Madrid, but I haven't been there in a long time.
Jane:� � Oh really,��when?
Peter:��� Mmmm.� Let me see...� ��last year, I think.
Jane:� � That's not a long time.
Peter:� �For me it is.
Jane:����Have you been to any interesting museums recently?
Peter:���Yes, I have.� I've��returned from a trip to London and while I was there, I visited the British Museum.
Jane:� � Wow!� That must have been so interesting.

Peter:� �It was.