English Exercises > listenings exercises

Christmas Commercial

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CHRISTMAS VIDEO lesson - 6 best ads!
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 98

Video Activity The greatest gift with link and key.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100
Downloads: 68

Video Activity: 2 Video Adverts by Sainsbury�s Part 2/3
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100
Downloads: 57

Video Activity: 3 Video Adverts by Sainsbury�s Part 1/3
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100
Downloads: 55

Video Activity : Mog�s Christmas Calamity with link and key
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100
Downloads: 63

A commercial Christmas story
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 31


Christmas Commercials
1. 1st advertise shows that you can buy gifts ....?
��for 50 usd
� under 100 usd
� for more than 100 usd

2. "Santa better ......."
�� find out
�� put �out
�� watch out
3. What does she say to Santa ?

���Santa doesn't have any free sapce for his presents.
���He has got too many presents.
���He is too late.�

�4. �Whose stocking should Santa fill ?

�5. Why did hunter ruin Christmas ?
��He shot Santa Claus.�
��He killed one of Santa's deer.�
� He killed all Santa's reindeers.�

�6. Santa has got comepetition becasue ....
�Everything is extremly cheap and she can buy a lot of presents.
�She can be faster than Santa.
�She can say "Ho, ho, ho" �better than him.�

7. What did a boy ask for his father ?
�He asked for happiness.
�He asked for money.
�He asked for snow.

8. Why is she better than Santa Claus ?
�She is faster than Santa.
�She can afford for more attractive presents.
�She scared him away.

�9. Fill the gap from coca cola advertise.
�What tense is used in this sentence ?
�Present Continuous
�Present Simple
�Future Simple�

10. What does the Garmin company sell ?
�Gps Devices