1. Pronoun (I, you, he, she, they, we, it) and Verb to be (am, is, are).�Trish is a student. �at UFU now. �����������������������Jim is a doctor. �at the hospital now.
I have two brothers. strong. ���������������������������I have two friends. � �very funny..
I have an iPhone. �on my desk. ���������������������������I like horses. �friendly.
I have three books. �on my shelf. ������������������ I like facebook. interesting.
We live in a house. on Rondon Street.����������� � �I go to gym. fit.
I know you. �in my Gym.����������������������������������My daughter is 21 years old. single.
My sister is 35 years old. �not married.����������� �Jim and you are married.��my friends.
2. �The Body
What can you do with your head?���� �I think with my head.�
What can you do with your eyes?���� �I can ��with my eyes.������������� �She�can with her eyes.
What can you do with your mouth?� �I can��with my mouth.������� �You�can with your mouth.
What can you do with your ears?�������I can��with my ears.������������� �We�can with our ears.
What can you do with your nose?���� �I can��with my nose.����������� �He�can with his nose.
�I have blue��and blonde�. I am tall. I have long�.�I have 10��and 10�.
A giraffe has a long�. I use both my��to play soccer. �I use my to catch and throw a ball.
3. Questions: Ask me Questions about the sentence. Use the Answers for help. DON'T FORGET THE DO/DOES
I play football with my friends every weekend because I like to stay fit.
�play football?�Yes, I do.���������������������������������� � Why�? because I want to stay fit.
What ? I play football.���������� Who�? I play football with my friends.
Where ? I play football in the�park. � � Can ? Yes, I can (play football).
When ? I play football every weekend.���� How often�? I play football�every weekend