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SIgn up 3B, UNIT 6. Adjectives vs Adverbs. Comparison of adverbs.

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Sign up to English, Unit 6. 4th year written test.
Adjectives vs. Adverbs. Comparison of Adverbs.
1) Adjective or adverb? Choose the correct option.
� �a. When you are at the library, you have to speak�
� �b. This exercise is not��enough for me, I can�t do it.
� �c. It was a �concert, the choir sang .
� �d. The party was�! Nobody danced, and everyone left early. It was��organised byJim.�
� �e.��I think I did��in the English exam. I studied really�.
2) Make adverbs from the adjectives below and complete the sentences. There are TWO EXTRA words.
�careful / quick / easy /quiet / clear / hard / terrible / fast / good � � ��
  • Robert runs very . He�s a very good sportsman.
  • Please, drive . There�s a lot of traffic in this road.
  • We�ve got a very good teacher. She always explains things .
  • Children, speak , please. You�re very loud.
  • My sister always makes friends . She�s very sociable.
  • He�s training really �for the next competition. He wants to win it.
  • The project was designed by the architect. Everything went wrong.
�� �a. I speak Spanish most fluently�� more fluently than��English,
����b. I get up the earlier� the earliest� in my family because I go to school far away from home.��
� � c. This was the best� the goodest� she has ever performed.
� � d. We travel the most comfortably�more comfortably� in a car than on a bus.�
� � e. He lied to you. That was worst than�� worse than� telling you the horrible truth.��
4) Complete using the correct COMPARATIVE or SUPERLATIVE form.
I admire my big brother the most. He was �(good) at speaking Italian in his class. He was much��(good) I am now, but I�m okay with it because I�m not jealous.��He was a member of the athletism club. At first he didn�t like it so much, but in the end he ran��(fast) in the team and he won many medals.�
He is very responsible. He gets up �(early) in the house, walks the dog and prepares breakfast. The rest of the family gets up�(late) him. My father trusts a lot in him, that�s why he lends him his car to go out. My father says that my brother drives��(carefully) him; that�s probably because my father drives��(fast) in the world! My brother drives�(slowly) him, instead.
What I admire the most about my brother is how he works �(hard) anyone else to get what he wants. That is probably the reason why he always does��(well) in everything and never��(badly).