�Your path will not be easy for you must �the �lord of the��Side: Darth Tater ('tater'= slang for 'potato').�
�Tater was once a pupil of mine before he turned to the �Side of the . He is now more �than , wasted and . He betrayed and murdered your father Organican Skywalker.�
�Obi-Wan never told you about your father.�
�He told me enough. He told me you killed him.�
�No! I am your father!�
�That�s really impossible!�
�Search your peelings, Cuke. You know to be true. Join me and together we can �the supermarket as father and son.�
�No! I�ll never join you!�
�Tell about the , Cuke. Help the �expose the �Side's �and their true . We must win this battle!�
�Use the , Cuke. Stretch out with your peelings. It�s up to you, Cuke. You�re the � last hope. Isn�t that right, ?�
�Strong with the��he is, but our last hope? Cuke is not. There is another: You! When the market you visit, you can keep your �and your �safe from the �Side by choosing .�
�May the��be with you. Always!