English Exercises > for or since exercises

Present Perfect, simple past test

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We built our house ourselves!!comprehen sive test no 2 - 1st form
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� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � burnt -cut -hit -dropped -broken-�slipped

1 ��Susie�s ���the bottle on the floor and now it�s broken.

2 2 �Jamie�s�on some ice and broke his leg. � � � � � ��

3 3 � Jess has her finger on the cooker.

4 4 �Alex can�t walk. He�s � his leg and it�s in plaster.

5 5 �Will has his finger on a broken glass.

6 6 �Matt has �� his head and now he feels dizzy.

� � EX 2: ��Reorder the words to form a complete sentence�

  1. � �have / dad / just / I / phoned / .
  2. � ��yet / We / kitchen / haven�t / cleaned / the / .
  3. �� yet / Have / the / put / you / on / a / plaster / cut / ?
  4. � �cut / She / has / already / washed / the / . � � � � � ��
  5. I / dropped / have / glass / of / just / a / water / .
  6. � �the / Have / cat / yet / they / fed / ? � � � � � � � � � � � � �

�EX. 3�Complete with the negative form of�PRESENT PERFECT

  1. � ��I �(be) to Spain.
  2. ��Anna�(buy) a new phone.
  3. � �We�(make) a cake.
  4. � �I (ride) a horse.
  5. � � �Ian and Joe��(read) the Divina Commedia.

� � � �EX. 4�Complete with�ever o never.

  1. � � � � �Have you ��tried Indian food?
  2. � � � � �I have���done an easy exam.
  3. � � � � �Has your mum been on a plane?
  4. � � � �Have you �met my sister?
  5. � � � � ��We have visited Istanbul.

EX.5 � �Choose �been o gone.

1 � � � � 1. ��A: Where�s Gina?
������������B: She�s to the cinema.

� � � �2. Have you ever to that museum?

� � � �3.� The boys have snowboarding, we�re going to meet them later.

� � � �4. �Where�s the cat ? I can�t find him.

� � � � 5. �Davina�s to London. She came back yesterday.

7 � � EX. 6 �Complete the sentences with�simple past�or�present perfect.

1 � � 1. �����I ��(do) my homework.

2.�������I �� (ride) a camel last year.

3.������We �(visit) my grandma last July.

�4.������We (download) some music to listen to.

5.�������I ��(be) born in August.


EX. 7 Choose the correct answer.

1) Why haven�t you called the vet��?

A) already

B) yet

C) ever

D) still

2) Have you been to the USA?

A) lately

B) still

C) ever

D) already

3) I have read your e-mail.

A) just

B) ever

C) still

D) yet

4) We haven�t met your birthday.

A) still

B) never

C) for

D) since

5) The teacher hasn�t decided what to do.

A) still

B) never

C) ever

D) yet

6) Have you seen him ?

A) already

B) ever

C) recently

D) still

7) They have had their house two and a half years.

A) already

B) for

C) since

D) still

8) Dan has climbed a mount Everest. (This is the first time.)

A) yet

B) never

C) since

D) for

�9) I have written an article about sport but I have to write one about tourism.

A) already

B) still

C) since

D) yet

10) Prices have gone up .

A) for

B) still

C) yet

D) lately

EX. 8 Choose FOR or SINCE
Complete the sentences using �for or�since.

  1. � � �I�ve had my car�two years.
  2. � � �He�s been ill Monday.
  3. � � �We haven�t had a test February.
  4. � � �We�ve studied Italian �� six months.
  5. � ��You�ve been here 8 o�clock.
� � � � � � � � � � � � �created by profpaolino 16/01/2017