English Exercises > listenings exercises

Twilight - La Push beach

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Valentine´s Day - Listening activities (video from youtube)
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                                                                                                           La Push Beach
1.Before watching:
Find the definition
1. tribe                                  A people sy originates from
2. to descend                       B to state,
3. ancestry                           C A group of people sharing an occupation, interest, or habit
4. to claim                             D to disclose, to identify
5. treaty                              E to originate
6. to expose                         F light colour
7. pale                                  G agreement
2.Watching the video:
1. What was Angela keep thinking of?
2. What is Bella's suggestion?
3. Why does she suggest that? Because she is a ,  woman.
4. What is Bella for Jacob?
5. Is she go surfing?
6. Why did she invite Edward?
7. Has anybody ever invited the Cullens there?
8. Is Jacob allowed to speak about the legends and beliefs?
9. What does Jacob say about their tribe and ancestry?
10. What's the story of the
Well, they're supposedly  from this enemy clan.
My great grandfather, the  found them hunting on our land.
But they  to be something different so made a  with them.
If they  to stay off Quileute lands, then we wouldn't  what
they really were to the Pale Faces.
11. Did they move there?
3.After watching:
Choose the correct option
The beliefs of the Quileute People  over time. They originally  a very spiritual people. The boys  go on quests to find their supernatural power once they reached puberty, if they wanted to. They would perform the first salmon ceremony to ensure a good season. They  shamans and healers and many legends and monsters that they  in. One example of a legend is their creation story. It says that a traveling shape shifter came upon a wolf and transformed him into a man, creating the first Quileute. They  that each person had their own guardian and they would  to it, along with the sun and Tsikáti (the universe). Much of their original religion was lost and  after the Europeans came. James Island, an island that you can see from First Beach, has played a role in all aspects of Quileute beliefs and culture. Besides being used as a fortress to keep opposing tribes out, it was an integral part of the beliefs of the tribe. It was  as a burial ground for chiefs, and once held a lot of spiritual power within the tribe.