English Exercises > opposites exercises


Downloadable worksheets:
Appearance Pictionary + Exercises (B/W and key included) fully editable
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Downloads: 5164

Level: elementary
Age: 9-17
Downloads: 2527

Animal Card Game (6)
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 2048

Opposites (adjectives)
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-12
Downloads: 1283

Opposite Adjectives + KEY
Level: elementary
Age: 6-12
Downloads: 1023

Exercises on Opposites (Editable with Answer Key)
Level: elementary
Age: 7-14
Downloads: 916



boring, �short, �old,� light, hot, �poor, old, �warm,



1.People can be tall or.�
�2.�� A book can be interesting or .�������������������������
3.A family can be rich or .
4.�� A bag can be heavy or .
5. Weather can� be cool or .
6.�� Water can be cold or .
7.�� A car can be new or .
8.�� A teacher can be young or .
difficult, ugly, narrow, messy, strong, stupid, light, bad
1.�� News can be good or .
2.��� A girl can be weak or .
3.��� A man can be clever or .
4.��� A woman can be beautiful .
5.�� Roads can be wide or .
6.�Night can be dark or .
7.��� English test can be easy .
8.A room can be tidy or .
wet, big, full, hard, down, cheap, low, hardworking
1.��� Problems can be small or .
2.�� A box can be empty or .
3.��� Toys can be expensive or .
4.�� Hair can be dry or .
5.�� A building can be high or .
6. A student can be lazy or .
7.We can go up or .
8.�� A chair can be soft or
slow,� happy, �safe, inside, dirty, sick,� wrong, long, thin
1.�� Shoes can be clean or .
2. A pencil can be short or .����
3.� A question can be right or .��
4.�Children can be outside or .��
5. A child can be healthy or .��
6.�An animal can be fast or .
7. A baby can be sad or �.
8.��Sport can be dangerous or .
9. A man can be fat or .

�������������������������������������������������������� by Victoria Barachman��������

