English Exercises > present perfect exercises

Present Perfect

Downloadable worksheets:
Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Downloads: 5607

Level: elementary
Age: 10-14
Downloads: 5189

GRAMMAR TIME - PRESENT PERFECT (with key editable)
Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Downloads: 5088

Present perfect vs Simple past in context
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 4144

Present Perfect
Level: elementary
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 3844

Simple Past or Present Perfect?
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 3570


1. Choose the correct option.
1) Greg is tired because he for two hours

2)  crocodile meat? 

3) It's the best film they 

4) Helen is happy because she  the handball match 

5) I  my keys yet

6) Jim  such a lazy boy 

7)  sandcastles yet ? 

8) Kevin  New York 


2. Copy the chart in the notebook and complete it. Write affirmative and negative sentences like in the example.


Present Perfect




I / see /

a UFO  

I have seen a UFO

I haven’t seen a UFO

 She / break /

the computer

He / study /


We / listen /

to music

You / do /

the homework

It / watch /

many films

Sam / drink /

fruit juice

Ann / meet /

new people

My cat / climb /

a tree

I / chat /

with my friends



3. Write questions and short answers where needed in the present perfect.

1. (you – stay) in New York? Yes,

2.  (Peter – work) as a reporter? No,

3. (Mark – believe) in Santa Claus? Yes,

4.  (you – live) here since you were born? No,

5.  (they – talk) about the homework? Yes,

6.  (What – you – do) recently?

7.  (Where – you – buy) your shoes?

8.  (What – Sarah – eat) this week?

9.  (How – your mum – make) this delicious cake?

10.  (Why – they – study) French?